Saturday 24 November 2018

Tuesday, 3rd July, 1838

Dissension in the Company Camp as both Fisher and Mann are bickering with each other like school boys playing marbles "for keepsies".

They rightly find no satisfaction in the appointment of Milner Stephen as Acting Governor and have both decided that the rightful occupant of the position is their own fair self.
They are now at daggers drawn with each other and while they squabble Milner Stephen proceeds unimpeded. 

Quite what Fisher had in mind is not hard to understand. I have, on several occasions, heard him opine that he was appointed Resident Commissioner "for life". Combine this with the Vice-regal role and Mr Fisher's ambition to become an Antipodean Pericles is realised at once.

Well, he is in for a shock!

Reading the dispatches that arrived this week it is pretty clear that the intention of the Colonial Office is to give Mr Fisher the kick in the arse he so richly deserves.
Having seen the trouble I had with power shared between the Crown (me) and the Company (Fisher), their elegant solution is to divest the Company and hand Gawler the combined powers of both Governor and Commissioner. 

In short, far from being Pericles, Mr Fisher's name will become, like that of Odysseus in the cave of Polyphemus, "Outis"  - which, if I remember my Homer aright, means "Mr Nobody".

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