Thursday 15 November 2018

A Paper found between the pages of Hindmarsh's Diary

A Call To Action

By the Sons of Lee

The failure of Benthamite Utilitarianism to produce lasting, meaningful political and social change, charged with the tortured cry from the heart of the Romantic soul, places post-Malthusian industrial society in a debilitating crisis that exposes the rotten hollow at its spiritual core.

We call on Artists to rise up and put their sketchbooks and watercolours to good use in the service of the cause of the betterment of Civilisation!

Let there be no more pretty landscapes! No more still life paintings with spaniels! It is the duty of the artist to record, with a clear and dispassionate eye, society as it is, in order to build society as it may become!


We call on Artists to record the truth they see around them as they truly see it. If they should paint a pretty landscape let it be seen that there was a pretty landscape before them. If there be a spaniel then let it be because a spaniel was present.

And let them paint without bias, interpretation or judgement. But this lack of judgement is, itself, a judgement!

Arise, fellow artists and do not judge! Only then can you pass judgement!

Those who look on our work can see the truth clearly laid before them. To them we say:


We call for the Equality of Man.

We call for Women's Rights.

We call for the Equality of the Coloured Races.

We call for Free Love Between the Sexes.

The Equality of Man

We demand that it be recognised that all men across Europe - Germans, Italians, Danes, Dutch, Greeks, Magyars, even probably the French and possibly the Irish, are capable of being held as equals with Englishmen. 

Let it be understood that the advantages of English society and culture that are a native Britons birthright might be attained by those from elsewhere in Europe or even America by dint of exertion and effort.

Women's Rights

We demand that it be recognised that women have a right to exist as the helpmeet and companion of man.

Let it be understood that those tasks natural to a woman such as cooking, cleaning, washing, sewing and child rearing are to be held as having equal dignity and value as tasks carried out by any other menial labourer

Equality of the Coloured Races

We demand that it be recognised that the worth of a member of the coloured races is not dependent on the colour of his skin, but on his aptitude, diligence and loyalty as a servant. All members of the coloured races are equally capable of working as valuable servants to the white race.

Let it be understood that a servant's worth will reflect the example set by his master and hence it follows that all members of the coloured races who are servants of Englishmen will be the most capable.

Free Love Between the Sexes

We demand that it be recognised that the old ideas of vice and sin be swept away and a new ideal of the relationship between the sexes be allowed.

Let it be understood that the world must allow that a boy and a girl should be free to hold hands without shame and even be able to give each other a hug without being treated as moral outcasts.

Arise and March into a Better World!

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