Editor's Note: The following note, written in Hindmarsh's hand has a large note: "For Strangways to copy" hastily written at the top and seems to be the original draft of the Governor's resignation.
By His Excellency John Hindmarsh, Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Cuelphic Order, Captain in the Royal Navy, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Province of South Australia.
WHEREAS His late Majesty King William the IV was graciously pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the eleventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, to appoint me the said John Hindmarsh to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the province of South Australia: And. whereas his said Majesty was further pleased by the said Letters Patent to signify his Royal will and pleasure that if upon the death or absence from the said province of me the said John Hindmarsh there should be no person upon the place commissioned or appointed to be Lieutenant Governor of the same, or especially appointed to administer the Government thereof, the senior member of the Council of Government (except his Honor the Judge) shall take upon him the administration of the government of the said province, and should execute the said commission and the instructions under the Royal Sign Manual therewith given, and the several Powers and Authorities therein contained, until the return of me the said John Hindmarsh to the said Province, or until His said Majesty's further pleasure should be known therein : And whereas by the said Commission and Instructions, the seniority of the said Members of Council is declared to be as follows : that is to say—
The Judge, or Chief Justice, for the time being, the Colonial Secretary for the time being, the Advocate-general for the time being, and the Resident Commissioner for the time being: And whereas Thomas Bewes Strangways, Esq., has resigned the office of Colonial Secretary, and no other person has been appointed to that office ; And whereas I, the said John Hindmarsh, am about to depart immediately from the Province aforesaid : Now, therefore, I, the said John Hindmarsh, do hereby proclaim that, immediately upon my departure, all and singular the powers and authorities given and granted by the said letters patent, and hitherto exercised by me as such Governor and Commander-in-Chief as aforesaid, will become vested in the Advocate-general for the time being, the Honorable George Milner Stephen, being the senior Member of Council (except as before is exempted), to be by him executed end enjoyed until my return to the Province or until her Majesty's royal pleasure shall be known.
And all officers and ministers and other inhabitants of the said Province are hereby required to be obedient, aiding and assisting to the said George Milner Stephen accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the said Province at Government House, Adelaide, this fourteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.
(Signed) J. HINDMARSH.
Editor's Note: On the reverse of the paper, also in Hindmarsh's hand is the following
And if I never see John Hurtle Fisher again, it will be too soon. A sailor's farewell to him: "Good-bye and be buggered!"
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