Monday, 3 December 2018

A Paper Found Between the Pages of Hindmarsh's DIary

Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844), Saturday 7 July 1838, page 1

Valuable Freehold Property.

Mr ROBERT COCK has the honour to announce that he has received instructions to Sell by Private Contract

(Near the intended Market) upon which is situated that most commodious and valuable Building, known as the


Now in the occupation of Mr. SHEPHARD, and in full business. The House is most substantially built, regardless of all expence, and is replete with every convenience necessary to carry on a first rate establishment; at the same time it is so admirably arranged that a person of small capital may make a


By a partial occupation only. The general character of this House is sufficiently well known to render a lengthy description unnecessary, and the limits of an advertisement would not suffice to describe its numerous advantages; enough to say, that to those possessed of the talent and activity to carry on so flourishing a business and a little capital, it would be a certain fortune


The HOUSE is built of Stone, with handsome Stone Portico in front; and contains on the Ground Floor, a roomy and convenient Bar, and five capital Parlours and private rooms, besides, a Kitchen, 34 feet by 14, and large Cellar.

The Large Ball Boom

On the upper Story is too well known to need description. The excellent Public Dinners that have been held of late, afford ample testimony of the great value to the Hotel of so splendid and convenient a room. This room is 50 feet long by 18 feet wide, will dine 200 persons, and is now most profitably turned to account by being used for the


And affording accomodation for an audience consisting of400 persons.

A smaller Ball Room adjoins, and numerous Bed Rooms, with ample space over the Kitchen, for three or four rooms additional.

A quantity of material is upon the spot for the purpose of completing some of the unfinished portions, and the size may be increased to almost anv extent at the option of the owner.

In addition to the Tavern there is a double Stone Cottage on the acre, replete with convenience for small families; at present in the occupation of Messrs. Abbott and Lerwin.

A portion of the purchase-money may remain on security of the Property if required.

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