Monday, 2nd July, 1838
The ship Henry Porcher arrived yesterday carrying with it mails from England and, in particular, dispatches for me from London.
It appears that my permanent replacement as Governor of South Australia will be George Gawler, a man know to me, though not a close acquaintance.
A Bible Tract |
Gawler is a churchman of the Evangelical persuasion, a man whose mouth is invariably turned down at the corners. I believe he once saw some people enjoying themselves, but has managed to avoid sullying his eyes in that way since. His wife is, I am told by those who know her, a great and devoted reader of Bible Tracts. One who has met her says that she feels The Bible is open to interpretation, a grave fault, whilst the Tract says what it means straight out.
Well, if George Gawler fronts up to run the place, then they'll soon know about it. There'll be no more dances held at Government House, I'll warrant. No more cakes and ale. The place will be like monastery within a week, thought without the evils of Popish influence.
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